The Government of India (GOI) is establishing a Dedicated Freight Corridor (DFC) between Delhi and Mumbai, with terminals at Dadri in the National Capital Region of Delhi and Jawaharlal Nehru Port near Mumbai, covering a length of nearly 1500 kilometers.
In order to tap the immense opportunities likely to be thrown open by the Corridor, a band of 150 to 200 kilometers around both its sides is being developed as the Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor (DMIC). The DMIC spans the States of Uttar Pradesh, Haryana, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat and Maharashtra.
To create base in the DMIC band with globally competitive environment and state-of-the-art infrastructure to activate regional commerce and enhance foreign investments
· Double the employment potential in 7 years
· Triple industrial output In 9 yeas
· Quadruple exports in 8 to 9 years
As a strategy towards development of the project, Nodes/Cities have been identified within the Corridor as Investment Regions (IRs), with minimum area of 200 square kilometers and Industrial Areas (IAs), with minimum area of 100 square kilometers.
These regions/areas would include self-sustained Industrial townships with world-class infrastructure served by multi-modal connectivity for freight movement/ logistic hubs, domestic /international air connectivity, reliable power, quality social infrastructure and globally competitive environment.
Delhi Mumbai Industrial Corridor Project in Haryana Sub-Region
Influence Area: 29,362 square kilometers
Covers 66% of the area of the state-across 14 distrlcs
Investment Nodes in Haryana
Manesar-Bawal Investment Region (Phase-I A)
Kundli-Sonepat Investment Region (Phase-II A)
Faridabad-Palwal Investment Area (Phase- I B)
Rewari-Hisar Investment Area (Phase-II B)
The value of output in the DMIC sub region of Haryana is estimated to grow by 15 times over the 30 years period (2010-2040)
Haryana State Industrial & Infrastructure Development Corporation Limited (HSIIDC) is the nodal agency for the project in Haryana