Industrial Estate with state of art infrastructure viz All Weather Metalled Roads, Water Supply System, Water Works, Sewerage Disposal System etc., CNG facility
Electricity Distribution System, Convenience Shopping
Availability of Hospital/dispensary, Hotel, banks, post office
Nearest Airport : 6 Km from Indira Gandhi International Airport
Nearest Railway Station : 7.5 km from Gurugram Railway Station
Nearest Highway : National Highway no 48 Delhi Jaipur Expressway
Major landmark near site : NH-48
List of Major Industrial Units:- TCS, Hindustan Thomson Associates, American Express, Educomp, Airtel, Koutons, Blackberry Garments etc., Motherson Sumi, Gaurav International, Bharat Enterprises, KV Impex,Polaris
For guidelines governing, mode of allotment, offer of possession, period for completion of project and commencement of business, surrender/ resumption, leasing and renting, transfer etc. may refer EMP 2015.