Industrial Estate with state of art infrastructure viz All Weather Metalled Roads, Water Supply System, Water Works, Sewerage Disposal System, CETP, Police Station, Fire station .
Electricity Distribution System, Convenience Shopping
Hospital/dispensary, hotel, banks, post office, Schools
Nearest Airport : 50 KM From Delhi Airport
Nearest Railway Station : 7 KM from Narela Railway station
Nearest Highway : NH-1 (GT Road)
Major land mark near site : TDI City, NIFFTEM
List of Major/Prestigious Units Present in Estate( Including C&H) are NIFTEM, Mentha Automotive Components P. LTD., MetBreaks India Pvt.Ltd., Kay International Ltd., Replika Press (P) Ltd., M/s 4S Sunergies (P) Ltd., M/s Invox World Industries Pvt.Ltd.
Major Allottees and their details
Name of the allottee/Plot No.
M/s Osram India Pvt. Ltd., Plot No.459, Sec.-53, EPIP Kundli.
Lighting Products
M/s Kay International Ltd., Plot No.64, Sec-53, Ph-IV, IE Kundli
Roof Type Blower Compressor
M/s MetBreaks India Pvt. Ltd., Plot No.65, Sec-53, Ph-IV, IE Kundli
For guidelines governing, mode of allotment, offer of possession, period for completion of project and commencement of business, surrender/ resumption, leasing and renting, transfer etc. may refer to EMP 2015.